Je Suis Fâché – Abéti, 1986


🎤🥁🎺🎷🇨🇩 The singer Abéti has been on stage since the early 70s, and after her native Africa, she conquered France. She performed at the Olympia in 73 and her first record was produced by Pierre Cardin. She even sang at Carnegie Hall! Abéti moved to Paris, recorded with Slim Pézin, dabbled in disco and then, in contact with Franco, returned to rumba and soukous. In 1986, Je Suis Faché was the hit of the renaissance, produced and arranged by George Séba. It featured the finest Zairean music of the time, the indispensable Kassavian brass section and some remarkable contributions such as Michel Alibo’s bass and Denis Hekimian’s drums. Objective achieved!

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