Martinique’s master of rhythms 🥁, Dominique Bougrainville, is finally producing an album under his own name this year. “Ki Nov ?” has already been out since March, but its more than limited distribution has unfortunately not yet offered it the necessary publicity. In it, Dominique Bougrainville showcases his ‘Fuzbèlè’, a blend of jazz fusion, bèlè, rock, zouk and more. The album features contributions from Alex Bernard, Michel Alibo, Eric Bonheur 🎸, Olivier Bertrac 🎹 and brother Jean-Luc Bougrainville on vocals, not forgetting backing vocals from Luc Labonne, Annick Charlec and Louisa Plumber. The drummer has also invited a number of talented friends, including Jacques Schwarz-Bart 🎷 and Franck Nicolas 🎺, whose saxophone and trumpet respectively light up the tracks Zouti and Bas Maternité. There’s also Dominique Bérose, Luther François and Annick Tangorra, among many others.