Help Me Baby – La Perfecta, 1982


Well, let’s be honest. Some music ages much better than the cover art that accompanies it… Right? Especially the 80s, right again? So let’s not deny ourselves the pleasure of listening to this Help Me Baby by la Perfecta in 1982, under the leadership of Daniel Marie-Alphonsine, and still full of jazz, Afro-Latin influences, funk, cadence, compas… The vocals are cooked up by Jean-Paul Pognon, Marius Priam and Alex Bylon, and Jean Tuernal’s guitar works wonders. Yo Que Save takes up the first half of the second side, with a fantastic wealth of arrangements. Help Me Baby is also the only Perfecta album to be released by Barclay, who are abandoning the Disques Vacances that have supported the orchestra almost from the start.

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