Better Days – Tom Frager & Gwayav’, 2009


🌊🎸🎤🌴🇫🇷 Do you remember Tom Frager? The Saint-François surfer with the Beach Boys look scored a hit with his 2009 album Better Days, and especially the hit Lady Melody. Tom Frager & Gwayav’ takes us on a journey through folk pop and reggae, sometimes in French, English or Creole, with even a hint of gypsy jazz. Among the plethora of musicians, guitarist Amen Viana is featured on three tracks. In 2010, Tom Frager performed Song for Gwada, composed for the occasion, at the SACEM Guadeloupe awards ceremony at l’Artchipel in Basse-Terre. He went on to play a number of festivals, including the Francofolies in La Rochelle. All in all, it reminds me of some excellent weekends spent chilling out in Baie-Olive, well… twenty-five years ago! Today, Tom Frager no longer surfs, but he still sings – albeit in a more confidential capacity – and lives in the Landes, close to some of the best waves in the world!

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