“A Case” A La Canne A Sucre – Gérard La Viny Et Son Orchestre Antillais, avec Marpessa Dawn, 1960


Gérard la Viny moved to Paris from his native Guadeloupe in the early ’50s. It was thanks to Joséphine Baker that he joined La Canne à Sucre to direct the orchestra, which featured many famous names (Emilien Antile, Sylvio Siobud, Robert Mavounzy…). He also met the young Marpessa Dawn, soon to play Eurydice in Marcel Camus’ Orfeu Negro. La Viny even recorded the music before the film was released in 1959. The following year saw the release of A Case à la Canne à Sucre, for yes, Gérard la Viny was truly at home in this Montparnasse cabaret. Unsurprisingly, but with talent, it features a program of beguine and merengue classics, including La Rue Zabymes, Maladie d’Amour, and L’amour C’est Toi, rightly performed by Marpessa Dawn. A landmark reference!

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